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This story may contain content that is unsuitable to minors or those who are sensitive to explicit content such as swearing, gore, blood, weapon and drug use, sexual themes, rape, etc.




Written by Lindsay Holland

Based on Bethesda's Fallout 4



Atomic Jodie is a fan fiction based on my experience playing Bethesda’s Fallout 4. As a sufferer of depression and anxiety, the game really made me feel like I was home, and with family. Despite it being fictional, it made me happy.

I do not aim for profit with this story, it’s simply to bring the characters to life, and share my happy place with others, especially those who feel the same as me.



Most characters are copyrighted to Bethesda, with the exception of the characters I’ve added, such as Jodie, Kantu, Thomas, Sy, Jessie. Teryn, Etc.

Do not copy, especially for profit or personal use. If you wish to share the story, please link to the original post.


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